Cut out Shoulder Top!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Trends, come and go... I embrace some other I ignore... But I adore this one, cutout shoulder, fantastic for the last days of summer. The top is form Asos, of course,  and these are my new Fayfarer's, I had them on my eye, for almost a year at first I thought I loved them, but they are not for me... I mean I'm not the type of person for them... So it was to buy or not to buy, but and the end I did... And actially, I'm glad I did:)

Trendovi dolazi i prolaze, neke prihvatis neke ingnorises... Koliko god da volim modu, uvek se trudim da ostanem dosledna nekom svom stilu... Ali ovaj trend sam zavolela u momentu kada sam ga ugledala, da to je bilo to - love at first sight! Vec sam o njemu pisala ovde.
Kada su ove naocare u pitanju, njih sam duuuugo merkala, svidele su mi se, ali nekako mi nisu bila za mene, ali na kraju sam ih ipak uzela i svaki dan su mi sve draze:)

P.S. Naknadno cu da iskomentarisem torbu:) Imam je vec skoro 3 godine, oduvek mi se dopadao ovaj VW fazon sa karo dezenom i tvidom, ali su uvek bile neke sumorne boje koje nisu bile za mene, a onda se pojavila ova lepotica and that's was the beginning of one beautiful friendship:)

Top: Asos, Jeans: LTB, Sunglasses: Rayban, Bracelet - one Croatian designer, Bag: Vivienne Westwood; shoes: Zara


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