It's shoe time: Christian Louboutin ad campaign Spring/ Summer 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011 0 comments

Ako vam se svidela kampanja za proslu sezonu  i ova ce vam se dopasti sigurno, jos jedno delo fenomenalnog fotografa  Khuonga Nguyen-a. It's Loubieeee times!!!!!

If you liked Louboutin last season campaign, you will love this one for sure, one more masterpiece of fabulous photographer Khuong Nguyen. It's Loubieee times:))))

Statement necklace - must have for all seasons!


Ako ste prelistavali casopise sigurno ste primetili trend koji vec sezonama ne jenjava i koji sve popularne dame obozavaju -  STATEMENT NECLKACE! Ovaj trend su prihvatile najvece modne kuce kao sto su Lanvin, Marni, Kenneth Jay Lane i utrkuju se ko ce napraviti lepsi i originalniji komad. Jedna od najpoznatijih, mladih Bg dizajnerki Isidora Vujovic sa svojim brenodom  Ladola Lu  i te kako uspesno prati ovaj trend i njen nakit mozete videti oko vrata mnogih stylish devojaka u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori , Italiji i Hrvatskoj.

If you were reading magazines you could not notice trend called STATEMENT NECKLACE! All the biggest fashion houses such as Lanvin, Marni, Kenneth Jay Lane are making such a wonderful pieces. One of the most popular Belgrade designers Isidora Vujovic with her own brand  Ladola Lu   is very successful in following that trend and her jewelry can be seen around necks of some of the most stylish girls in Serbia, Montenegro, Italy and Croatia.

  Ladola Lu- moram da se pohvalim da sam ja ponosna vlasnica ovog remek dela(poklon od mojih divnih kumova:) za koje sam dobila gomilu komplimenata kad god sam je nosila:))))

                                                                 Ladola LU
                                                                      Erickson Beamon
                                                                     Oscar de la Renta

Hats for Spring - 1957

I'm feeling trapped. The snowbanks are higher than my waist, the driveway is getting narrower and narrower, and I am generally sick to death of winter. It's so cold, the inner harbor is frozen over. Someone remind me why I live in Boston?

To combat the winter blues and blahs this week, let's look at some goodies for spring so that we can start to dream of balmier weather. And for those of you living in warmer climates right now, I am officially jealous!

Today, spring hats from 1957. Just looking at hats lifts my mood. How about you?

Rose Valois forms a double bandeaux of rose petals.

Pierre Balmain wide brim straw hat.

Ruban flower petal cap with dramatic face veil.

Albouy uses metallic mesh and tops it with a rose.

Gilbert Orcel blue and white stripe silk.

Hvala!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!! Grazie!!!


Vise od 1000 pregleda za manje od nedelju dana! Hvala Vam svima sto me pratite i sto citate ovo moje piskaranje:) Po statistici, ovaj blog je bio citan ne samo u Ex Yu zemljama, nego i u Italiji,Spaniji, Velikoj Britaniji, Nemackoj,Francuskoj, Ukraini, Rusiji, Australiji, Novom Zelanu, Cileu ,SAD, Kanadi i drugim zemljama... Jos jednom hvala puno:)))

More than 1000 looks for less than a week. Thank you all for following and reading my vlog. According to statistics, this blog had been read not only in Ex Yu countries but also in Italy, Great Brita, France, Germany, Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Australia, New Zeland, Chile, SAD Canada and more... Thank you all once again!!!!

It's shoe time: Christian Louboutin ad campaign Fall Winter 2010

Sunday, January 30, 2011 0 comments

Ove prelepe slike predstavljaju prvu advertising kampanju za Louboutin cipelice. Delo su fotografa Khuonga Nguyen -a i zovu se Winter Tales (zimske bajke). Toliko su lepe da bih ja odstampala, uramila i stavila na zid u spavacu sobu (mada bi moj otac, inace veliki ljubitelj umetnosti, verovatno pomislio da sam poludela:)

These adorable photos are representing first ad campaign for Loubi shoes. The photos have been taken by Khuong Nguyen and they are called "Winter Tales". They are so beautiful that I would print them and put them on a Wall in my bedroom(though my father, big fan of art, would probably think I am crazy:)


Cackajuci po netu, pronasla sam nesto stvarno zanimljivo (barem meni:). Etimologija engleskih reci nikada nije bila zamljivija... Pogledajte kako su nastale reci Diva, Eye candy, Posh, Paparazzi i mnoge mnoge druge... Nasmejacete se ali i ponesto nauciti! Uzivajte:)))

While surfing on the internet I have found something very interesting(at least for me:). Etimology of English words has never been presented in such an interesting way. Take a look of etimology of words: Diva, Eye candy, Paparazzi, Coca Cola, Posh and many many more. Enjoy!!!!

Celebs and Gucci dinner in Paris

Posto u tri dana vec dva puta pisem o najnovijoj Gucci kolekciji verovatno je lako zakljuciti koliko sam njom odusevljena:)) Pogledajmo slike sa Gucci vecere koja je odrzana u Italijanskoj ambasadi u Parizu u cast Fride Gianinni u sklopu Paris Fashion week-a... Moj favorit je Jessica Alba, a vas?

Since in 3 days I am writing two times about new Gucci collection all of you can easily tell how crazy I am about this collection. Let's take a look to pics from Gucci dinner hosted in Italian Embassy in Paris in honour of Frida Gianinni during Paris fashion week... My favorite here is Jessica Alba, and who is yours???

New at Couture Allure - Vintage 50s Dresses

New at Couture Allure are lots of dresses from the 1950s, as well as other designer pieces and vintage accessories. Be sure to check our What's New section for all of our new items!