How To Buy a Hat #1

Monday, April 2, 2012
In honor of Easter bonnets, this week I am republishing a series I did in 2008 about choosing the correct hat for yourself.  I hope you enjoy!

Vogue magazine's January 15, 1941 issue was all about hats, hats, and more hats. This week, I'll feature their tips for how to buy a hat. After all, "no hat is worth buying unless it makes you look prettier than you ever looked before. No woman can really explain why she buys a hat anyway. She just feels a great big urge to set something pretty on her head. All she really knows is that the 'something pretty' has a delicious psychological effect, and buying it is always a kind of spiritual adventure. Hats are emotional stuff..."

In this day and age, it's hard to find hats in stores, unless you're shopping for vintage. But have you ever tried on hats? There is something about them that does make a woman feel different, and believe me, if you wear one you will get noticed! I wear a hat sometimes when I go out, and I always get a positive comment or two. Modern designers have been showing hats on the runways for the past several seasons, so it's time to go buy a hat! Here's how:

"1. Always buy a hat as if it were the only one you'll have. That doesn't mean it must be a stern-brimmed pull-on. It merely means that it must be thoroughly in tune with you at your most attractive. Don't be above getting a touch cosmic about your hat - of asking 'But is it ME?'"

Above, a classic swagger hat in white felt with a snap brim bound in navy grosgrain with a band and bow in the same. By Knox.

Hat by Rose Valois, 1950


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