Paris Fashion Week : Balmain SS 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Christph Decarnin, a quiet, unassuming man, is the designer who has put the expensive sizzle back into the house founded by Pierre Balmain in 1945, and which once dressed the likes of Katherine Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Queen Sirikit of Thailand, and Ava Gardner.

His rock 'n' roll approach to fashion has become a cult among the rich and titled young who think nothing of paying £2,000 or £3,000 for a pair of embellished jeans.

This season Balmain introduces couture pank with studs, leather and distressed jeans and I am sure it's going to be THE NEXT BIG THING!

Christoph Decarin je miran i povucen covek koji bacio novi sjaj na modnu kucu koju je osnovao Pierre Balmain 1945 godine.Pierre Balmain  je  oblacio najvece dive svoga vremena kao sto su Katherine Hepburn, Viviene Leigh i Ava Gardner.

Decarinov rock and roll pristup modi je postao kult medju bogatim mladim ljudima kojima ne predstavlja nista da izvodje 2 000 - 3 000 funti za par farmerki.

Ove sezone Balmain predlaze tzv "Couture punk" sa kozom, izbledelim i pocepanim farmerkama i nitnama. Sigurna sam da je "THE NEXT BIG THING"OVE SEZONE! 


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