Fashion twins: Stella Mccartney VS Louis Vuitton!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ok. So second pair of fashion twins and enough for today. The bow bracelet (photo above) is from Louis Vuittons standard collection and it stands 260 euro. Stella McCartney bow bracelet (photo below) is about 220 Euros.  Do great minds think in the same way or Stella and Marc created it togeather will remain the mystery:) Although they are almost indentical I prefer the LV a bit more. And how about you?

Ok. Drugi par modnih blizanaca i dosta za danas:) Narkuvica sa masnicom: Prva je iz Louis Vuitton standardne kolekcije i iznosi oko 260 Eura, druga (slika ispod) je Stella Mccartney i ona je oko 220 Eura. Strasno lice!!Da li veliki umovi razmisljaju na slican nacin ili su ih Marc i Stella negde zajedno dizajnirali ostace misterija...
Ipak,od ove dve  za nijansu vise mi se  dopada Louis Vuitton, a vama? 


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