Ulitimate Luxury: The Yacht Island!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Once we had battleships and legions, now we have mega yachts.... Yes, the mightiest or the SUPER CLASS as Paolo Coelho calls them like to prove their power on the sea!

Every summer there's the same story billionaires and moguls are showing off with their ships, and let me tell you in this "sport" size does matter!

Until now, the exterior of yachts was pretty much the same, until company Yacht Island Design decided to introduce a little fun. So, let me present you the 90m  yacht inspired with the tropical island.  This is great you have your private island on your yacht - ideal:)

I'm wondering who will be the lucky owner of this beauty, or shall I say sea beast, until then enjoy the photos:)

Nekada smo imali legije i vojne brodove, a danas imamo mega jahte... O da, najbogatiji ili Super Klasa, kako iz naziva Paolo Coelho, voli da pokazuju svoju moc na vodi.

Svakog leta je ista prica milijarderi i moguli se utrkuju cija ce jahta biti mocnija i veca - ipak je u ovom sportu velicina itekako bitna:) Do sada smo, ugalvnom, imali standardan dizajn kada je eksterijer mega jahti u pitanju dok dizajnerska kuca Yacht Island Design nije odlucila da unese malo kreativnosti u celu ovu pricu:) 

Njihovo prvo cedo je jahta dugacka 90 m u obliku tropskog ostrva sa sve vulkanom iz koga izlazi voda:)

Zivo me zanima ko je prvi krstariti u ovoj lepotici ili je mozda ispravnije reci morskoj nemani? Do tada, ostavljam vas da uzivate u slikama:)


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